Monday, September 23, 2013

Returning to Truth about Marriage

The following post and many future posts in this blog will be supported and inspired by the book, Marriage and Family, the Quest for Intimacy by Robert H. Lauer and Jeanette C. Lauer.

Tried and Proven; The Nuclear Family Unit

Opinions and preferences of Americans are being influenced by what we see all around us; divorce, premartial sex, single mothers, gay and lesbian couples, and overall the push for Me instead of We. Yet over and over again, research points us to the fact that traditional marriage and family life continues to be the style of living that enjoys the most success. Studies repeatedly find that those in a marriage and with children report greater happiness, have more income, are better for the economy, and are all around healthier than alternative ways of living. Yet, we are in a time that this lifestyle is declining and those that do marry don't always stay married.

Foundations of Stable Marriages

I am a firm believer that not only is marriage and family the greatest source of self-fulfillment in life, but that we can have powerful marriages that are not just two individuals sticking it out for the kids. But how do we do this?

Love can't be the sole reason for marriage, it has to begin with sincere friendship and genuine respect for the other person. Happy couples report that they think of their spouse as their best friend and see marriage as a sacred commitment. They share similar values and goals and understand the hard work to nurture the relationship.

A final quote from Laure and Laure: "A long term and satisfying marriage is not merely a matter of finding just the right person wh ocan make you happy. It is a matter of two people who have some positive factors working together to achieve a mutually satisfying life." This can be a reality for those who believe it and truly want it!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I am in a course of study at Brigham Young University-Idaho called Family Relations. We are studying trends of the family and looking at research about how families function. We will be working on developing our own ideas about effective family practices and patters to implement in our own lives. I look forward to sharing the knowledge I am gaining through this blog and invite everyone to join me in deepening our focus on the importance of family relationships.

The purpose of this blog is:
1) to share knowledge and studies about the family with EVERYONE to find and promote truth and protect the family unit
2) to increase my own learning in order to create a fully functioning family of my own
3) to experiment with technology, take a step into the previously unknown blogging world, and create something to be proud of

Advanced thanks to anyone that may be interested in reading my blogs. I will try to make them worth your time!